Color Consultation Services

Not just Color. Architectural Color.

Color is found in architecture in a variety of ways. All parts of a structure have color.

Inside, flooring, cabinetry, counters, tiles, metals, and hardware are fixed events. They are juxtaposed with changeable color in the form of paints, stains, and wall coverings. Outside, fixed colors are found in roof materials, window claddings, wall materials, metals, paving and plantings, and on and out to the perimeter of the site-to fencing and, beyond the fence, to the color context of the neighborhood. And, as in the interior, applied color is present in the form of exterior paint and stain colors. Our approach is to produce integrated interior/exterior color environments.

We find that architectural thematics; exterior siting; interior sightlines; interior and exterior applied materials; and ambient light are the key drivers of decision-making in successful projects. A useful summary: Clients have color inclinations, and Structures argue for color in architectural terms. Our task is to integrate the two perspectives.

Color Folio Architectural Color & Finishing, (c) Matthew Millman